
脱水筛可能是从煤炭工业开始的, 但它确实在整体世界找到了归宿. Since being introduced to the North American market in the late 1970s, the 脱水筛 has become the go-to piece of equipment for the economical removal of water from sand. Here are eight reasons why 脱水屏幕 play such a large role in the production of clean aggregate material.

1. 生产干燥材料

Several pieces of equipment are used to reduce moisture content in sand. A 分离器™ 或siphon-assisted 水力旋流器 produces an underflow material that is in the range of 22-35% moisture. The material can be stacked on a drainage field or discharged to a 脱水筛 for additional moisture removal. Discharging the material directly onto a conveyor belt usually creates a housekeeping issue due to the remaining free water.

A 细料螺旋垫圈 产生含湿量为15-30%的排出物. 而菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全可以直接卸到输送机上, material can cling to the belt and create a significant housekeeping issue.

脱水筛水分达到8-20%, 取决于材料的物理特性. 尽管保留水分的范围, the 脱水筛 discharge is classified as drip-free and can be easily conveyed, 装进卡车或放在箱子里的.

何时给烘干机喂食, 将物料放在输送机上, loading trucks or discharging to other equipment that requires the lowest percent moisture, 脱水筛是一种低成本的解决方案.


脱水屏幕 are a low-cost solution for producing a drier material.

看看这个 案例研究 to see how 脱水屏幕 are helping Kilgore Companies increase their product yield by producing a sand that is 85% solids.


2. 能处理多种菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全

The use of longitudinal dividers allow as many as three products to be dewatered on one screen. Many applications feature a two-stream process where a fine stream and a coarse stream can be kept separate or blended to create specialty products. Utilizing one 脱水筛 for multiple products reduces the overall footprint of equipment and can lower both capital and operating costs.


The longitudinal divider allows up to three sand products to be dewatered on one screen.

3. 与周边设备集成

脱水屏幕 fit well into many applications to yield a drier product, 捕获超细材料或在过程中进行更好的控制.


The combination of a 水力旋流器 or 分离器™ with a 脱水筛 creates a wash system with a higher level of efficency and yield with a drier product. The screen underflow can be recirculated back into the 水力旋流器 feed for recovery or removed as undesired. 


Generally, a screen is set up to make a classification based on the media openings. When trying to capture material that would normally pass through the media, a 脱水筛 can be used in combination with a 水力旋流器 to recover ultra-fine material before it goes to a settling pond. Even though some of the fines will pass through the screen media, they will remain in the system. The 水力旋流器 overflow is the only exit point for the fine material, 它在高压下运行以保留材料. 


设备如 摩擦磨砂 当物料太湿时不能在最佳水平运行. 脱水筛将产生可预测的水分, 哪一种方法可以更好地控制这个过程. The material can be adjusted to the correct percent moisture through the addition of water at a controlled rate.



4. 可用于广泛的尺寸等级

Since the main purpose of a 脱水筛 is to reduce the percent moisture in material, 它可以处理各种粒径的颗粒. 从0开始.5”至400目细粒, a 脱水筛 can be configured to handle the material in the size that is needed. Because the 脱水筛 is designed to blind off the media openings, material that would normal pass through is retained while the water flows through. Especially when used in combination with a 水力旋流器 or 分离器™, a 脱水筛 is extremely effective in retaining material and producing a dry product.

5. 介质可以调整,使大小削减

A 脱水筛 is specifically set up to blind the screen media in order to retain material to the overs and allow the water to report to the unders. 带着这样的想法, 它仍然是一个屏幕, and the media can be adjusted to perform the sharp size classification for which screens are known. The inclined discharge continues to promote the removal of water from the material. 媒体的目的不必是连续的. 可以为大小分类配置一个部分, 而另一些则是根据脱水要求配置的. Spray water can be used to increase the size classification efficiency, like with other wet screens.

6. 加入喷雾水可以去除菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全中的细粒

While it is preferable to address fines removal upstream in the process, 有些情况下,罚款仍留在菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全中. Adding water to a 脱水筛 may seem like a counterproductive approach, 但它可以对消除不必要的罚款产生重大影响. 媒体将保留所需的材料, while the fines will travel with the water and report to the underflow of the screen. The amount of water and the location it is added will have an impact on the effect, 但是一般来说, 在进料端加水.


The addition of 喷雾酒吧 can help remove additional fines from the product.

7. 低马力

Fitted with two vibrating motors or a single motor to drive exciters, 脱水屏幕 utilize significantly lower total horsepower for similar capacity equipment. 饲料中水分推荐百分比为50%或更高, 脱水筛可接受多种进料来源. 在某些情况下, 进料的固体含量可以低于50%, 但它会影响最终菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的干燥度或总容量. 进料含水量过高时, 这可能需要额外的设备, 例如水力旋流器, to decrease the percent moisture prior to introducing the material to the 脱水筛. 

8. 维修费用低

The screen media and springs/buffers are the main items that will need replaced. 这些项目, 连同边线和卸唇, 只有易损件吗, 它们的寿命都很长. Motors and structural components are designed for heavy-duty applications and have a low rate of failure. 

出于以下八个原因, a 脱水筛 can be a welcome addition to an aggregate plant when looking remove moisture and improve housekeeping. 

标签: 脱水


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