
管理你的奶牛粪便从来都不简单. Even if you simply transfer the manure directly from your cow alleys to a storage pond or lagoon, you will eventually need to clean out that location and figure out where to take those nutrients. Manure solid-liquid separation can help you manage your manure and allow you to be more strategic about the placement of your nutrients.


There 是 a number of benefits that can be achieved by incorporating one or more solid-liquid separation methods on your dairy. 


如果你的乳制品是在木屑或其他类似形式的有机垫料上, 添加粪肥分离器可以让你创造自己的垫料来源. 这可以实现与螺旋压力机或 滚动新闻 系统. 分离出来的粪便纤维可以与床上用品混合使用,也可以单独使用. 如果自己用,加一个 床上用品干燥机 真的能帮助减少水分和细菌吗. 

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从菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全排出的干粪肥固体 肥料垫料烘干机.


Manure can be extremely challenging to process simply because it is so unpredictable. The manure can contain ear tags, long fibers, string and concrete chunks, to name just a few. This foreign material wreaks havoc on pumping 系统s and downstream processing equipment. 安装粪肥分离器可以清除所有这些不需要的垃圾, 还有粪便纤维, 立即,以更易于管理的方式. 粪便纤维和碎片都被清除了, the remaining effluent can be transferred via pumping 系统 to trucks or fields with reduced risk of plugging pipes, 泵和喷嘴. In some cases, it allows for the irrigation of water and nutrients that wasn’t possible before.


在很多情况下, supernatant (the cleaner portion of the manure water) is recycled back from storage lagoons for flushing cow lanes, 养牛区和水槽管道. Adding manure separation equipment prior to manure storages reduces the organic loading in the lagoon, 哪一种能给谷仓带来更高质量的回水. 经常, 水可以立即从分离设备中重新使用, 消除了从谷仓到仓库来回抽水的需要.


Processing your manure with a form of solid-liquid separation can reduce the required lagoon size for your dairy. 这也减少了进入泻湖的有机负荷, 这使得移除它的能源消耗更少. 康奈尔大学的亲乳制品项目发布了一份报告 studying several mechanical solid-liquid separation methods and concluded that separation can reduce required lagoon size by up to 30%.


Incorporating solid-liquid separation allows nutrients to be more strategically placed. 通过去除粪便中的大纤维和不需要的碎片, 含有大部分营养物质的剩余液体可以被运输, 以更大的灵活性转移和应用. The liquid effluent no longer needs to be hauled to fields with tankers and trucks; it can be pumped and applied strategically with irrigation and injection 系统s. The separated fibers, due to their lower bulk density, can be hauled further at a lower cost.


There 是 also some disadvantages to solid-liquid separation that can't be overlooked.


分离后的纤维需要定期移动和堆叠. 这在大多数奶牛场都是用滑车或大型装载机完成的. The amount of time needed depends on the size of the dairy but can sometimes take multiple hours per day. 也, 而不是用一种单一的设备来运输粪便, 通常是粪肥运输船, 需要一个箱形铺布机来拖拽和铺布分离的纤维. 如果奶牛场还没有,这可能是一笔额外的资本支出.


Adding separation to your dairy will increase your operation and maintenance costs. 在大多数情况下, 这意味着至少要增加一个电动机, 当需要一个额外的泵时,通常是两个. 定期清洁还需要额外的劳动力, 检查和修理系统中的部件. 这些增加的成本不容忽视. 


资本成本不仅仅是设备成本. There 是 concrete, structures, supports, plumbing and electrical costs to account for too. 在冰点以下的寒冷气候中, a building with additional heat is required to keep the equipment operational during the winter months. 


有多种方法可以实现粪便分离. These methods range from simple to very complex ways to remove fibers and nutrients. 下面描述了几种比较常见和相对简单的方法. 


这项技术可以在广泛的行业中使用. 它可以用来处理食物垃圾、筛选废水和分类矿物. This relatively simple technology uses a rotating drum composed of mesh or perforated plate. The material to be processed can be introduced either to the inside (internally fed) or outside (externally fed) of the screen. 当液体和细颗粒通过时,颗粒被捕获在屏幕上. 喷雾条是常见的,可以添加刷子来帮助保持屏幕清洁. These screens provide great separation for manure 系统s with potential for bypass sand. 

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一个菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 旋转屏幕


倾斜屏幕, 有时被称为侧坡掩护, 香蕉屏或斜坡屏, 是, 顾名思义, 大, 以接近垂直的特定角度设置的平面或弧形屏幕. 物料被泵送通过顶部,并被允许顺着筛网倾泻而下. 纤维在筛网正面分离脱水,以免脱落. 这种屏幕的优点之一是没有活动部件. 有些筛网装有洗涤棒和振动马达,以帮助清洗筛网. 最大的优点是没有电气要求. 


这种类型的筛选器有多种变体, but they all use a vibrating motor to move the screen in either a circular or elliptical motion to aid in particle separation and impart movement to the separated material. 这些屏幕具有较高的处理能力,占用空间相对较小. 这些筛网需要定期清洗.  


这些系统使用位于倾斜槽内的拖链, 它的底部是由屏幕材料制成的. 链条被缓慢地向上拉向出口. 当它向上拉的时候, it cleans away fibers that 是 captured on the screen and drags them to the discharge. 


滚动新闻 separators 是 a secondary separator used in series with a 转鼓 to dewater thickened manure. Material is fed between two rotating rolls, which apply a high pressure zone between them. One of the rolls contains small openings, which allow water to drain through while retaining fibers. These machines have a small overall screening 是a, so they 是n’t used for primary separation. 

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一个菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 滚动新闻


螺旋压力机是紧凑的分离和脱水机器. 它们在筛网内包含一个旋转的螺旋轴. 当物料被输送到机器体内时, 螺杆推进它向前通过筛分表面. Fibers that 是 captured on the screen 是 wiped off and advanced forward by the screw. 当这些纤维在放电时聚集, 它们形成一种高度压缩和脱水的物质“塞”. These versatile separation machines provide great separation in a compact footprint. 由于高公差和高压区,它们容易发生磨料磨损. 




These methods 是 effective at removing a portion of the 大r fibers and material that will settle with gravity. 本质上, manure is conveyed into a 大 settling 是a that creates retention time sufficient for the material to settle. 如果是垂壁或者它们的变种, 墙壁或地板上有一些区域可以让液体通过. 纤维材料往往会使排水区域迅速失明, 使它们无法脱水. 这些系统在清洗过程中可能是劳动密集型的. 

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更复杂的方法包括离心机, 超滤膜, 盘按, 带式压滤机和加药系统. These complex methods 是 generally more effective at removing solids but require higher capital expenditures and operating costs. 必须权衡这些较高的成本与更大的固相去除的好处. 

Adding a manure solid-liquid separation 系统 on your dairy is often a great way to manage your manure nutrients more strategically and allow you to implement methods of manure transfer and application that 是 more economical. There 是 multiple methods for achieving the manure separation goals of your dairy, so look c是fully before choosing the method that is best suited for your dairy's needs and management style.

For help selecting a manure separation 系统 that's right for your dairy, contact 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全.

标签: 粪便分离 & 脱水


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