Inclined Manure Augers


螺旋钻的螺旋轴采用厚的,耐磨的飞行,使用寿命长. 衬垫由耐磨材料制成,并且用螺栓固定,便于维护. 双机械密封组件保护独特的下轴承组件. 这些特点结合在一起,创造了一个螺旋钻,可以承受在磨蚀环境中24/7的严重滥用操作. 麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全倾斜肥料螺旋钻是多功能机器,可以根据应用提供多种配置.

麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全倾斜粪肥螺旋钻主要用于移动和提升含沙粪肥到砂分离系统, but they have been used to convey a variety of other materials, including dairy manure and dewatered manure solids.

How Inclined Manure Augers Work

麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全倾斜粪肥螺旋钻是一个重型螺旋输送机,用于将含砂砾的粪肥从储罐转移到其他加工设备. 螺旋钻的下端安装在接收坑的底部. The upper end is anchored to the concrete floor or pedestal. 已经送到接收坑的肥料是用这些螺旋钻从坑中计量出来的.

螺旋输送机的基本原理相当简单,由几个关键部件组成. The heart of the conveyor is the screw shaft. 螺旋轴是由一段管道组成的,管道的飞翼连接在外部. The pipe is supported at each end by a bearing. 上端还包含驱动系统,使螺杆轴旋转. 这种旋转运动是将物料从输送机的一端转移到另一端的原因. 改变输送机的转速也会改变物料的出料率. As the rotational speed increases, 物料沿传送带移动的速率也增加了. 变频器可用于调节输送机的速度,以精确控制物料的输出.

The shaft is contained within a support housing. 这种外壳有助于容纳正在输送的材料,也提供了对轴的保护. 衬套用螺栓固定在螺杆轴下的外壳内,磨损后可以更换.

Maintenance is minimal. 下轴承包含一个必须保持满油的远程油藏. 上部轴承通过位于储油层附近的润滑脂管线定期加油. The reducer requires an annual oil change.

Why McLanahan Inclined Manure Augers

麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全倾斜粪肥螺旋钻机是唯一的螺旋钻机,在乳品行业专门设计,以输送沙肥. 对乳制品生产商来说,这意味着每个部件都经过专门设计,使用寿命长,维护方便.

螺旋轴由厚壁管制成,两端焊接有法兰. 这允许一个坚实的,螺栓连接到下部轴承和法兰活塞. The flighting is a thick, 耐磨材料直接焊接到管道上,磨损时可更换. A bearing supports each end of the shaft. The lower bearing, which is constantly submerged in sand and manure, 由双机械密封保护并在油浴中润滑. 枕块轴承支持轴的上端和所有推力载荷. The drive uses a torque arm style mount. 这允许齿轮箱与轴一起浮动,最大限度地减少螺旋箱上的应力. 衬套安装在螺旋轴的全长下,以保护螺旋箱不受磨损. 这些衬垫由耐磨材料制成,并用螺栓固定到位, allowing them to be easily replaced as necessary.


Frequently Asked Questions About inclined Manure Augers

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其他一些用于转移沙肥的技术是离心泵和容积泵, such as a piston pump or diaphragm pump. 这种类型的泵使用大型闸板或隔膜将材料拉入腔内,然后将其推出排出. As flow moves through this style of pump, flappers or check valves keep material moving in one direction. 由于粪便中常见的纤维和碎屑,当泵送粪便时,这些止回阀有一种绑定的趋势. With an Inclined Manure Auger, 进入螺旋钻的大碎片通过系统输送.

Two standard diameters are available. The smaller auger has an 11” outside diameter and is 22' in length, 较大的螺旋钻有一个18“外径,可以是22'或30'的长度. 

倾斜的粪肥螺旋钻通常用于将沙子或含沙的粪肥送入沙肥分离器, 哪一种具有固定的处理能力,但可以通过多种不同的方式进行配置,以提供所需的流. The table below shows the flow rates and horsepower for each model.



Flow Rate

11 x 22 5 HP15-150 gpm
18 x 22 10-15 - HP50-1,000 gpm
18 x 30 10-15 HP50-1,000 gpm

麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全倾斜粪肥螺旋钻具有双密封Pak下部轴承组件,具有经过特殊验证的密封,可防止沙子和粪肥进入轴承腔. The bearing and seals are both oil lubricated.


Features & Benefits
  • Move sand and manure quickly and efficiently
  • Purpose built for abrasive materials
  • Replaceable wear liners
  • Heavy abrasion-resistant flighting
  • Double-sealed lower bearing
  • Custom designs are available

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