沙肥分离器是麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全沙肥分离系统的核心. They are used to settle out and wash bedding sand, 并且可以根据奶牛粪便输送系统的类型以多种方式设置. In some cases, 小巷里的沙肥被直接装入沙肥分离器, where bedding sand is settled out and washed. 在奶牛场,冲水被用来移动粪便和沙垫, 砂肥分离机用于清洗在麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全通道系统中沉淀出来的砂粒或从砂道中挖出的砂粒. In all cases, the Sand-Manure Separator produces a clean, reusable sand bedding product with minimal organic content, suitable for reuse as recycled sand bedding.

How Sand-Manure Separators Work

麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全砂肥分离器是一个较大的砂分离和洗涤系统的一部分. 砂肥分离器的操作取决于它所安装的系统类型.

  1. Scrape or Vacuum Tank System — As the name implies, 粪肥要么直接从巷子里刮出来,要么用真空吸尘器吸走. 粪肥添加的水分很少,通常很厚. The manure is first delivered to a reception pit, 其中螺旋钻或泵提供一致流量的粪便进入洗涤箱的SMS. In addition to this manure, recycled water is added, which dilutes the manure and allows the sand to settle out. As the sand settles, 它被一个旋转的螺旋轴轻轻地从肥料和水的混合物中拉出来. As the sand is carried up the screw shaft, 一个喷雾杆会在沙子上喷洒少量淡水,帮助冲洗掉有机物. 后面和侧面的堰允许水和粪肥溢出,同时保留高百分比的沙子.
  2. Flush or Flush-Flume System — 粪肥和沙子用大量的冲洗水运到处理设施. Once in the processing facility, 粪便被引导通过一个通道,降低流速,使沙子沉淀下来. An auger system pulls the settled sand out into an SMS. Once in the SMS, recycled water is added to help wash the sand. 一个旋转的螺旋轴把沙子拉出来,一个喷雾杆把有机物冲洗掉. 水和粪便溢出后和侧堰和沙子的高比例被保留.
  3. Sand Lane System — SMS可以与砂道一起使用,以清洁砂,并使其能够更快地重复使用. 在砂道中,回收的砂通常必须放置和脱水数月才能重新使用. SMS可以通过清洗沙子和去除脏水和有机物来缩短脱水时间. In this system, sand is scooped from the sand lane and dumped directly into a hopper, which meters it into the SMS. Water is added to the washer box to clean the sand. 当螺旋轴将沙子送入机器时,喷砂棒进一步冲洗沙子.

Why McLanahan Sand-Manure Separators

McLanahan提供最完整的砂和粪便处理设备,专门为满足砂层奶场的需求而设计. 我们是机械砂分离的先驱,并使其对奶农经济实惠, 我们仍然为奶牛场提供多种不同的砂分离解决方案.

获得专利的砂肥分离器是砂粒分离系统中的主力设备. 这台机器的设计始于McLanahan在骨料和采矿行业的丰富知识和经验. 这些知识被用于开发一种沙肥分离器,该分离器可以在恶劣条件下使用很长时间, 磨蚀工作环境,可以很容易地维修,停机时间最短. 它使用与骨料工业中使用的相同的双密封下轴承组件来支撑螺杆轴. 聚氨酯飞行提供最高水平的磨损保护,并可在必要时更换. 独特的溢流堰系统在去除纤维的同时保留了机器中最高水平的沙子, manure and water to create a high-quality sand product.

Sand-Manure Separators are available in several different sizes, depending on the herd size, required hours of operation and system type. McLanahan聘请了一个专门与奶牛场合作的专家技术团队,帮助他们为奶牛场设计出最高效、最经济的砂子分离系统.

Frequently Asked Questions About Sand-Manure Separators

Ask An Expert

Yes, you should use a readily available, washed concrete sand because it meets particle size requirements. Consult this chart to determine if your sand falls within this particle range. 如果您需要额外的指导,请致电您的供应商或与我们联系,在我们的实验室分析您的沙子.

This depends on several different factors. One of the most important factors is the sand type. 使用水洗混凝土砂是实现高采收率的最重要步骤. 其他因素包括适当的系统管理和回收(稀释)水的质量. 通过合理设计和管理砂分离系统,通常可以实现90%以上的出砂率.

Generally speaking, 在分离过程中,只在喷雾杆处加入淡水,用于冲洗砂子. 这些数量各不相同,但是可以在其中找到每台机器的平均使用量 chart. In some Sand Lane Systems, fresh water is added to the washerbox for cleaning the sand. In these cases, 淡水的使用量可高达200加仑/分钟,但只在短时间内使用.

根据系统类型和牧群大小,目前有四种不同的大小可供选择. Here are several charts showing sizes and approximate capacities.

与粪肥管理系统的其他部分相比,沙肥分离器需要相对较小的功率. 看看它需要多少马力,以及它与粪肥系统中的其他设备相比如何, click here.

Sand from each of these systems is clean and reusable.

Features & Benefits
  • Reduce sand bedding costs
  • Produce a virtually endless supply of clean, dewatered sand bedding
  • Reduce environmental footprint of the dairy
  • Reduce the amount of trucks and tankers on the roads and fields
  • Reduce soil compaction by not hauling and spreading sand
  • Equipment is designed and built for sand and manure processing
  • Replaceable, wear-resistant urethane flighting
  • Double-sealed lower bearing with autolube system
  • Stocked parts and equipment

Need Some Help?

Our customer service team is here to help you 24/7. 我们可以为您运送零件,派遣现场服务技术人员到您的现场,并回答您的任何问题. Whatever you need, we are here for you.