
双辊破碎机 typically follow a primary or secondary crusher and are used for secondary and tertiary reduction of various minerals, 如ROM煤, 洁净煤, 石灰石, 石膏, 天然碱, 页岩, 铝土矿, 油页岩, 可口可乐, 盐, 石灰, 玻璃, 高岭土, 砖, 页岩和湿页岩, 粘性的提要.


双辊破碎机 are one of the most widely used crushers in the mining industry and have numerous advantages, 比如高容量, 低净空高度, 低马力, 处理湿的能力, 粘性的提要 and the ability to produce a cubical product with minimum fines generation. Roll diameters and widths are dictated by the feed size, product size and capacity. The rule of thumb for the 双辊破碎机’s ratio of reduction is 4:1.

The simplified design gives these units excellent reliability and requires very little maintenance. The crushers are designed with built-in tramp relief that allows for the passing of uncrushable objects while remaining in continuous operation and returning to the initial product setting. With a variety of roll surface designs, this crusher is capable of producing a much finer product. 因为每台机器都是定制的, roll elements and tooth patterns are selected depending on each unique application.


操作双辊破碎机相当简单. 无论是单驱动还是双驱动, the rolls are powered by electric motors and V-belt drive configurations, 运行可靠、安静. 如果它是一个单一的驱动器安排, power is transferred from the driven roll to the non-driven opposing roll by an interstage V-belt drive. 如果是双驱动器配置, each roll is powered independently through a motor and V-belt drive.

During normal operation, the material is fed between the crushing rolls. A combination of compression and shear forces created between the opposing rolls reduce the feed material to the desired product size while producing a cubicle product with minimum fines.

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全’s mechanical tramp relief systems employ a spring-and-toggle mechanism that activates whenever an uncrushable object enters the crushing chamber. 一旦对可动辊施加过大的力, the toggles break open to allow the uncrushable item to pass. The high torsion springs then close the toggles, returning the movable roll to the previous setting. 破碎机继续不间断地运行.

可选功能包括液压菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全调整, 辊刮刀, 自动润滑, 轮式支撑底座及其他定制解决方案. 


菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 双辊破碎机 feature slower roll speeds and a larger surface area to add prolonged life to the crushing elements, resulting in less maintenance downtime and decreasing your cost per ton. 双辊破碎机 generate minimum fines while producing a cubical product.

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 双辊破碎机 are designed for safety and many years of rugged operation. Effective tramp protection against non-crushable material is provided by an automatic spring-and-toggle system. 这允许一个可移动的卷打开, pass the material and return to its original setting for continued operation. Hydraulic product size adjustment allows producers to adjust for changes in product size requirements or to compensate for roll wear.



When an uncrushable object, such as metal, roof bolts/timbers, 等., enters the crusher and the force necessary to crush this material is greater than the crushing forces of the crusher, the crusher allows the moveable roll to open and pass the tramp material and then return to its previous setting and remain in operation.

Depending on the customer’s desired product size and fines consideration, Mineral Sizers or 锤磨机 可以考虑. The reasons people would consider a Roll Crusher over these alternative technologies include lower power requirements, 减少罚款产生和成本.

Ratio of reduction is the ratio of the feed size to the desired product size. 举个例子, 如果进料尺寸为12英寸,所需菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全尺寸为3英寸, 则还原比为4:1.


黑金刚石双辊破碎机 are the most versatile and popular model of 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 双辊破碎机. Ideal for secondary and tertiary crushing applications where product requirements drop down to –¼” (6mm), 黑金刚石双辊破碎机 are most commonly used to crush 洁净煤 or friable materials with little or no hard refuse. 它们可与单或双v带驱动. 


重型双辊破碎机是理想的初级, 石灰石的二次和三次破碎, 石膏, 罗煤, 等. 哪里需要更高抗压强度的材料. 由于采用v带传动设计, a lower horsepower is required compared to other crushers designed for the same applications.  


双辊破碎机 are driven mechanically with V-belt drives and gear reducers. They offer the same durability as other 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 双辊破碎机 but are designed to handle wet, 粘性饲料,如软页岩, 高岭土和粘土. The Shalemaster’s special tooth design and differential roll speeds provide optimum performance against plugging and other problems often associated with handling sticky materials.

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 双辊破碎机 have long been used in a variety of applications, 包括ROM输入, 粘土, 玻璃和其他易碎矿物.

特性 & 好处
  • 重型车架设计
  • Robust bearings and seals for smooth operation and to prevent dust contamination
  • 不需要对破碎机辊进行定时
  • 降低轧辊速度
  • 高能力
  • 可通过液压缸和手动泵调节轧辊设置
  • 自动润滑系统
  • 可选轴承温度和振动监测


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